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Crochet doily patterns by Irina Maleeva
Hello! I'm Irina Maleeva (IriSkaBeat), the crochet doily designer.
I'm glad to welcome you at my website!
Unfortunately, it's impossible to buy from this site or from now while our country is under sanctions. But all my patterns are avaiable on Boosty. PayPal works there! Don't be confused with price in Roubles - it's impossible to change currency there. When you make a payment, the convertation will be made automatically by the system. I was forced to increase prices there because all Boosty and transfer taxes are 20%.
As soon as possible, I'll activate my shop on and will add PayPal here.
Thank you for visiting my site and good crocheting!
Paid patterns - "SHOP" section.
Free patterns - "BLOG" section.